Threat Intelligence

Our experts collect, process, and analyze data from multiple sources, providing actionable intelligence and insights so you can effectively predict, prevent, detect, and respond to cyber threats. 

Cyber Threat intelligence services that deliver on every level— strategic, operational, and tactical.

Understand your unique threat landscape, dig into the details of attack patterns, and enable all of your teams to respond effectively to incidents.

Risk touches everyone in an organization, from office locations to remote work employees, from HR to IT, and all the way up to the boardroom. Knowing when, where, and how vulnerabilities become risks can help every part of your business stay safe.

On your own, this can quickly feel overwhelming. But with tailored guidance from NCC Group’s global threat intelligence team, you can confidently invest and prepare so that your security is aligned with your organization’s risk profile.

Threats constantly evolve.

Cut through the noise to determine possible, probable, and definite risks to your business.

Stay on the front end of threats’ bell curve with data points taken directly from quality threat intelligence feeds, our global managed detection and incident response teams, and malware and dark web research.

Understanding the latest tactics, techniques, and procedures of threat actors can significantly reduce the impact of cyber attacks and, in some cases, prevent them from materializing altogether. Our analysts partner with your security personnel to convert technical details into more resilient defenses.

Data you can do something with.

Respond appropriately to existing or emerging threats with actionable, expert guidance.

Efficiently identify your security investment needs and inform business decisions with an accurate understanding of relevant security risks.

A potent combination of automation and manual expertise allows us to refine evidence-based information to deliver in-depth Threat Intelligence Pulses and Reports right to your inbox.

You could be the next big headline.

Don’t let it be because of a cyber emergency.

The right response to incidents as they unfold can mitigate their impact and position your organization to actively change the attack’s course. It’s not just your organization’s name at risk. Half-measures or wrong moves during active threats put everything and everyone on the line. You could lose assets and data, but even worse, you could find threat actors have doxed your customers, team members, or leaders.

We take data from some of the worst cyber emergencies happening around the world, identify the indicators of compromise (IoCs) involved, and analyze the strategies threat actors are using — so you can avoid the same fate.

How will your organization take advantage of Threat Intelligence?

Call us before you need us.

Our experts are here to help you.